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Home 9 Event Planning 9 Top Interactive Games to Energise Your Next Event

Top Interactive Games to Energise Your Next Event

by | Jun 2, 2024 | Event Planning

Interactive games for events are quickly becoming the lifeblood of successful gatherings, infusing them with energy, engagement, and lasting memories. Whether you’re organising a corporate retreat, an educational seminar, or a festive celebration, the power of play can’t be overlooked. By incorporating gamification into your event’s fabric, you’re creating an environment ripe for collaboration, competition, and connection.

From immersive virtual reality experiences to nostalgic giants of tabletop fun, our guide is your treasure map to a world of interactive entertainment. It promises to lift your event into an unforgettable adventure filled with laughter, learning, and a touch of friendly rivalry.

Dive in and discover the perfect mix of games that captivate your guests and leave a lasting impression long after the final scores are in.

Interactive Game Of Giant Connect Four

Benefits of Using Interactive Games at Events

Enhancing Attendee Engagement and Participation

Interactive games have become a cornerstone in transforming event experiences from passive gatherings to dynamic hubs of activity. By incorporating gamification into events, organisers can significantly boost the level of engagement and participation among attendees.

The essence of gamification lies in its ability to make the event’s programme more interactive. Thus, it not only entertains participants but also provides valuable insights into your audience’s preferences and behaviours.

The introduction of competition through games is a powerful motivator, as it taps into our natural human desire to achieve and be recognised. This competitive element ensures that you’re less likely to forget an event to which you actively contributed, as opposed to one you merely observed.

Moreover, when gamification is tailored to suit diverse audiences, it encourages even the most reserved participants to step out of their comfort zones and engage more fully with the event’s offerings.

Promoting Networking and Collaboration Among Guests

One more subtle yet impactful benefit of interactive games at events is their ability to foster networking and collaboration. By setting up a gamified environment, organisers create a platform for interaction that goes beyond the traditional exchange of business cards.

Attendees are encouraged to communicate and work together to overcome challenges, which can lead to meaningful professional relationships and collaborations.

This collaborative atmosphere not only enhances the individual experience but also contributes to the collective success of the event. As participants engage with one another in a gamified setting, they share ideas and perspectives, potentially sparking innovation and new partnerships.

The shared experiences and accomplishments can serve as a strong foundation for lasting professional networks.

Creating Memorable Experiences and Lasting Impressions

The ultimate goal of incorporating interactive games into events is to leave a lasting impression on attendees. A well-designed gamified experience can be so immersive and enjoyable that participants might not immediately recognise its strategic benefits to businesses.

However, the positive associations formed during the event can lead to a stronger connection with the brand and a wider dissemination of the intended message.

Creating a unique digital experience through gamification ensures that the event stands out in the attendees’ minds. Digital educational games, for instance, can simulate real-life scenarios and dilemmas, engaging participants in a way that traditional presentations can’t.

These games entertain and educate, cultivating skills such as analytical thinking and problem-solving.

Smartphones and apps can also enhance engagement during events, as most attendees are likely to have their devices on hand. Simple gaming mechanisms, such as scratch card games offering rewards or promo codes, can keep attendees focused on the event and encourage them to share their experiences with others, extending the event’s reach.

People In Escape Room

Popular Digital Interactive Games

Mobile Escape Rooms

Mobile escape rooms have surged in popularity, offering a blend of narrative, problem-solving, and physical interaction. Titles such as ‘The House of Da Vinci I & II’ are captivated by their rich soundscapes and storyline, which draws players in. The tactile nature of these games, where players manipulate the environment, contributes to the sensation of being in an actual escape room.

The ‘The Room’ series, including ‘The Room VR: A Dark Matter,’ is acclaimed for its stunning visuals and convincing illusion of being within the game’s world. The intuitive interaction with objects in these games is a key factor in their appeal.

For a more succinct adventure, the ‘Rime—Room Escape Game’ offers ingenious puzzles and multiple endings, enhancing replayability and interactivity. The ‘Cube Escape Series/Rusty Lake’ stands out with its unique puzzles and haunting ambience, emphasising the importance of meticulous observation and auditory elements for a fully engaging experience.

Virtual Reality Experiences

VR has revolutionised event entertainment, presenting a spectrum of experiences to make any event more memorable. From thrilling activities like ‘Walk The Plank’, ‘Race Simulator’, and ‘Flight Simulator’, to more serene options such as ‘Guided Meditations’ and ‘World Travel’, VR caters to diverse preferences.

With the flexibility to offer both tethered and untethered experiences, VR technology allows for seamless integration into any event. Its adaptability ensures that it can meet the specific needs and interests of any audience, providing an interactive and captivating addition to the entertainment lineup. By incorporating VR, event organisers can create a dynamic atmosphere that enhances guest engagement and leaves a lasting impression.

Augmented Reality Games

AR is reshaping event engagement by overlaying digital enhancements onto the physical world. It can be utilised in various settings to display interactive 3D models, immersive experiences, and additional content through virtual avatars and games. Web AR, in particular, is highly accessible, removing barriers to entry and enabling immediate updates.

Its affordability, swift development time, and compatibility make it attractive for event planners seeking to incorporate interactive elements with minimal logistical requirements.

Interactive Quizzes and Polls

Interactive quizzes and polls effectively energise meetings and convert attendees from spectators to active contributors. Activities such as ‘Project Jeopardy’, ‘The Trivia Competition’, and ‘Two Truths and a Lie’ entertain and facilitate learning and interaction. These tools can be seamlessly integrated into presentations.

They encourage attendees to interact with the material and each other. Utilising interactive content like quizzes and polls results in increased engagement and improved information retention. By requiring active involvement, these tools provide a more tailored experience, ensuring the event remains memorable for participants.

Giant Jenga Interactive Game

Engaging in Physical Interactive Games

Giant Jenga and Connect Four

These enlarged versions of familiar games can elevate the excitement at gatherings. Participants must skillfully extract and restack the pieces with Giant Jenga, maintaining the tower’s equilibrium.

The contest concludes when the structure collapses, with the preceding player who successfully placed a block emerging victorious. To enhance the experience, blocks can be customised with questions or different themes, fostering a more captivating interaction. These activities serve as excellent conversation starters and encourage guests to socialise.

Customisable Obstacle Courses

These courses offer a dynamic and adaptable option for those looking to introduce a physical component to their events. They can be tailored to the available area and desired difficulty level. Forming teams promotes unity and collaboration as they navigate through challenges.

Participants might encounter elements such as climbing walls and balance beams, providing a comprehensive physical challenge that’s exhilarating for both participants and spectators.

Live Action Role-Playing (LARP)

LARP combines drama, strategy, and physical activity. Participants embody characters in a fictional setting and enact their roles within a prearranged narrative. This highly immersive format allows individuals to explore various identities and situations while exercising.

It also serves as an effective team-building exercise, fostering communication, cooperation, and problem-solving among players.

Team Building Sports Competitions

These competitions are an excellent method to invigorate a group and foster motivation, particularly in a corporate setting. Dividing participants into smaller squads, assigning team colours, and selecting leaders can instil a sense of unity and friendly rivalry. Classic schoolyard games can be reintroduced to evoke nostalgia and encourage widespread participation.

Innovative twists on traditional sports, such as Bubble Soccer, introduce a comedic element to the familiar game. The Sports Megamix offers a selection of activities, ensuring there’s an option for every preference.

These activities not only promote physical activity but also provide an opportunity for teams to connect and compete for rewards, adding an extra incentive to participate.

People Doing LARPING

Creative Interactive Game Ideas for Events

Interactive Scavenger Hunts

Interactive scavenger hunts are a brilliant way to inject fun into events while fostering networking and relationship-building among participants. Presenting a series of challenges or tasks encourages you to collaborate, often in teams, to locate items or complete tasks. This breaks the ice and sets the stage for meaningful interactions.

The flexibility of scavenger hunts means they can be adapted for virtual events, overcoming the challenges of remote interaction by using web platforms that allow you to showcase items through your camera.

The key to a successful scavenger hunt lies in crafting challenges that are both enjoyable and stimulating. They should align with the event’s goals and encourage you to forge valuable connections.

Digital Treasure Hunts with QR Codes

QR Code scavenger hunts elevate the traditional treasure hunt to a modern, interactive game suitable for various events, including corporate gatherings and educational activities. By strategically placing QR Codes around the venue, you’re drawn into an immersive experience.

Scanning the codes leads you through the hunt, unlocking puzzles or questions. These digital hunts can be enhanced with password protection or multimedia content, adding layers of intrigue and interaction. QR Code scavenger hunts provide an engaging team-building exercise and a cost-effective method of captivating attendees.

Interactive Photo Booths with Instant Sharing

Interactive photo booths have become a staple at events, offering guests instant entertainment and a take-home souvenir. These booths can be equipped with a variety of props and backgrounds, allowing you to capture fun, themed photos. With the added instant sharing feature, you can immediately post your photos to social media or receive digital copies.

This extends the event’s reach and creates a buzz online. It not only enhances your experience but also serves as a promotional tool. Shared photos act as organic endorsements of the event.

Mystery Box Challenges

Mystery Box Challenges are an inventive way to engage participants, particularly children, in problem-solving and critical thinking. Providing a box filled with assorted items allows you to create something based on a theme or set of instructions. This type of challenge not only stimulates creativity but also encourages communication.

You’ll explain your thought process and the steps you took to arrive at your creation. Organising a Mystery Box Challenge involves:

  • Selecting a compelling theme.
  • Curating a mix of items.
  • Crafting a narrative that captivates your imagination.

The excitement of the challenge can be captured through photos or videos, adding an element of storytelling to the event and providing a lasting memory for those involved.

Woman At Silent Disco

Unique Interactive Game Concepts for Events

Silent Disco with Customisable Playlists

A silent disco is an event where attendees dance to music broadcasted through wireless headphones rather than played over a speaker system. Each set of headphones can tune into various channels, each playing a different set of tunes curated by a DJ or live band.

The ability to choose your channel not only personalises the experience but also encourages interaction as you find others who are dancing to the same beat, identifiable by the colour of the LED lights on their headphones.

To add a competitive twist, organisers can stage a DJ battle to see which DJ can attract the most listeners to their channel, actively involving attendees in the event’s dynamics.

Interactive Storytelling Sessions

Interactive storytelling sessions can captivate attendees by using narrative techniques that involve them in the unfolding tale. Employing methods like ‘The Hero’s Journey’, storytellers can create an immersive experience that resonates on a personal level.

High-quality visuals, strategic colour schemes, and thoughtful typography enhance the sessions and stimulate the senses and imagination. Characters that mirror attendees’ experiences or aspirations can make the narrative more relatable. At the same time, authenticity in storytelling fosters trust and credibility.

Surprises and twists maintain interest, and the opportunity for attendees to influence the story’s direction makes the experience participatory. User-generated content can further personalise the narrative, and adapting these techniques to various platforms ensures accessibility for a broad audience.

Gamified Networking Sessions

Transforming networking into a game-like experience can make it more approachable and enjoyable. Quizzes, polls, and surveys can be woven into networking sessions to facilitate interactions and encourage attendees to share information and form connections in a playful yet meaningful way.

Art and Craft Stations with Digital Integration

Incorporating digital tools can enhance arts and crafts stations, allowing attendees to explore creativity in new ways. Digital drawing tools and VR experiences can expand the boundaries of traditional art. At the same time, apps like Aviary, Paper 53, and Procreate offer professional-grade creative platforms.

Graphic design tools such as Adobe Spark and Canva enable those without an art background to create visually appealing designs. Integrating social media live feeds and video conferencing technology can connect art-making with the digital world and introduce an educational component.

Platforms like classroom blogs or virtual galleries provide spaces for showcasing and discussing artworks, creating a community of creators.

Additionally, podcasts can offer artists a platform to share their creative processes, enriching the visual experience with narrative depth. The internet offers a wealth of inspiration for blending art with technology, opening up a myriad of possibilities for interactive activities at events.

Unforgettable Interactive Escapades

As you can see, interactive games at events are rich with possibilities, from brain-teasing escape rooms to immersive virtual realities and creative digital integrations. By incorporating these interactive elements into your event, you’re not just filling up the agenda—you’re crafting memorable experiences that resonate on a deeper level with your attendees.

Leverage the thrill of competition, the joy of shared discovery, and the satisfaction of creative expression to elevate your event from good to unmissable. With these interactive game ideas, you’re well-equipped to inject excitement, encourage meaningful connections, and leave a lasting imprint on the minds of all participants. Here’s to your next event, which will be an interactive extraversion that’s spoken about long after the final goodbye.

Melanie Williamson

Melanie Williamson


Melanie has been working at Onstage for 17years  with her love and passion for all things entertainment and events. Prior to Onstage, Melanie worked in Hotels and Venues in various roles which gave her a strong knowledge in how all things work for events. Her entertainment  product knowledge combined with her event skills, makes her a highly sort after Stage and Events Manager (just as recently contracted for events overseas).

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