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How to Organise a Charity Golf Day

by | Jul 9, 2024 | Event Planning

Organising a charity golf day is a fantastic way to rally support for a good cause while offering participants an enjoyable and memorable experience. As with any scale event, the key to success lies in meticulous planning and attention to detail. Every aspect requires careful consideration, from setting clear objectives and choosing the perfect date to budget to forming a committed planning committee.

We’ll walk you through the essential steps of creating a charity golf day that not only raises significant funds but also leaves a lasting impression on all who attend. With the right approach, your golf day can achieve its charitable goals and set a precedent for future events.

Planning Your Charity Golf Day

Setting the Objective

The foundation of a successful charity golf day starts with being clear about its purpose. You’ll need to identify the cause you’re supporting and the specific outcomes you’re aiming for. These could range from raising a certain amount of funds to support a local initiative to boosting awareness for a particular cause or even growing your donor base.

To benchmark your event, you might look at successful local events such as the Mick Fanning Charity Golf Day, which has raised significant funds and awareness for its causes. This event exemplifies how setting clear objectives can lead to substantial community engagement and support.

It’s essential to set tangible goals, such as securing a specific sum of money to aid a defined number of beneficiaries or to outdo previous fundraising efforts by a certain percentage. These measurable targets will not only steer your planning process but also provide a clear measure of success for your event. By aiming to replicate the success of events like Mick Fanning’s, you can set realistic and achievable goals that resonate with your audience and motivate your planning committee.

Choosing a Suitable Date

Picking the right date for your charity golf day is key to ensuring maximum attendance and participation. You’ll need to think about when your target audience is most likely to be available and avoid holidays, significant events, or adverse weather conditions that could put off potential participants.

The chosen date should fit the schedules of the majority of your intended guests to maximise turnout and, as a result, the event’s fundraising potential.

Setting a Budget

A solid budget is the backbone of any event planning, especially for a charity golf day where financial success is a top priority. Your budget should cover all expected expenses, including the hiring of the golf course, prizes, catering, and promotional activities.

When planning in South East Queensland, consider the costs associated with popular local courses such as Sanctuary Cove Golf and Country Club on the Gold Coast, Pelican Waters Golf Club on the Sunshine Coast, and Indooroopilly Golf Club in Brisbane. These venues are known for hosting large events and can provide insights into typical expenses for such locations.

To cover these costs and ensure profitability, it’s wise to set a range of registration fees and look for sponsorship opportunities. You can approach local businesses for sponsorships, leveraging the event’s potential community impact to secure their support. Offering incentives, such as discounted group registration or exclusive merchandise, can improve the value proposition for participants and sponsors alike, encouraging more investment in your event.

Additionally, negotiating with local vendors and service providers can help manage costs effectively. As seen in other regional events, building strong relationships with these partners can lead to favourable terms and added value for your charity golf day. By setting a comprehensive budget and actively seeking financial support, you ensure the financial success of your event while delivering a memorable experience for all participants.

Forming a Planning Committee

The planning committee is the driving force of your charity golf day, tasked with guiding every aspect of the event towards success. Made up of board members, staff, donors, supporters, and skilled volunteers, the committee’s role is to make informed decisions about the venue, programme, fundraising strategies, and more.

At the helm, the event chair or co-chairs make final decisions and ensure the committee’s vision comes to life. To manage the workload effectively, you might want to set up subcommittees focused on specific areas such as logistics, marketing, or volunteer coordination.

Regular meetings are key to keeping up the momentum, tracking progress, and facilitating the exchange of ideas, ensuring that every detail is carefully planned and executed.

Man Playing Golf

Selecting the Venue

The choice of golf course is pivotal, as it influences the participants’ enjoyment and satisfaction. It is recommended that you initiate your search well in advance to ensure availability and negotiate the best possible terms.

Criteria for Selecting Golf Courses

The course should cater to the skill level of the expected players. Seasoned golfers might appreciate a course that tests their abilities. In contrast, a diverse group of participants would benefit from an enjoyable course for varying skill levels.

The number of players must be considered. A single course can comfortably accommodate up to 144 players. For larger events, venues with multiple courses are preferable to prevent congestion and maintain a steady pace of play.

The slope rating of the course should be appropriate for the attendees to ensure enjoyment and an appropriate level of challenge. The reputation and quality of the course’s facilities are also important, as they contribute to the overall experience.

Insights from reviews by previous event organisers can provide useful information about the service quality and course conditions.

Negotiating with Golf Courses

Effective negotiation can result in substantial savings and additional benefits for your event. Discussions with course representatives should encompass all relevant details, including costs, food and beverage options, the event date, the primary contact, the number of players, deposit requirements, additional services, cancellation policies, and weather-related contingencies.

Building a good rapport with the venue can be advantageous for both current and future events. Inquire about any special packages or discounts for charitable events.

Understanding your financial constraints is essential before beginning negotiations.

Considering Location and Accessibility

The venue’s location should be convenient for the majority of participants, with easy access to hotels, airports, and transportation.

Ensuring the venue is inclusive and safe is also necessary. Check that the course can accommodate individuals with disabilities, offering accessible facilities and trained staff to assist. The venue should also have an effective emergency evacuation procedure for all attendees, including those with disabilities, with both visual and audible emergency alarms.

Extras and Facilities for Attendees

The extras and facilities provided can significantly improve the event. Services such as a registration table, greens fees, carts, and range balls are expected to be part of your package. A dining area for the post-event gathering is also desirable.

Consideration of the season and day can impact venue costs. Rates tend to be higher during peak seasons and weekends. A weekday event might offer more attractive rates and could be more suitable for corporate attendees.

Golf Ball And Turf

Marketing and Promotion

Creating Effective Invitations

An invitation is a representation of your brand and the event’s character. It should be straightforward, providing essential information without being overwhelming.

The event’s name should be prominent, ideally reflecting the theme and the cause. Include the key details: date, time, location, and meal options. Conclude with instructions on how to RSVP, whether it’s through a website, email, or phone.

You have several options for the format of your invitations. Printed invitations are cost-effective and quick to produce, while electronic invitations can be sent through various digital channels.

Remember to send reminders to encourage attendance.

Using Social Media for Promotion

Social media platforms are excellent for promoting your charity golf day. A dedicated Facebook event can help spread the word, and linking to a signup page will filter out less committed participants. Encourage your board members to leverage their networks, which can be a rich source of potential donors.

Create a unique hashtag to enhance online visibility and prompt attendees to share the event. Consider running contests to give away tickets, increasing engagement and reach.

Posting impactful stories or videos of the preparations can create buzz around your event. Afterwards, share highlights and the total funds raised to maintain interest and attract attendees for future events.

Engaging Local Media

To secure media coverage, ensure your pitch is newsworthy and supported by compelling data. Customise your approach to your target media contacts’ interests and coverage style. For instance, engaging with local media outlets such as the Courier-Mail, Gold Coast Bulletin, and Sunshine Coast Daily can significantly boost your event’s visibility.

Your pitch should succinctly address the Five Ws: Who, What, When, Where, and Why.

Engage with reporters personally and distribute press releases well in advance of your event. Include compelling stories or testimonials that emphasise the importance of the cause you are supporting. Building strong relationships with local journalists and media personalities can enhance your event’s profile and ensure continued coverage leading up to and following the charity golf day.

Sponsorship and Partnership Opportunities

Your event offers numerous sponsorship and partnership opportunities. Introduce competitive elements and monitor fundraising progress with a donation thermometer or tracker.

Involve participants with social media contests to recruit additional teams or create user-generated content challenges. Local celebrities and influencers can lend their appeal to your event, attracting more participants and sponsors. Approach existing corporate partners with mutually beneficial proposals.

Corporate matching gifts can significantly boost revenue, prompting larger individual donations. Remember that the cost of event tickets or registration fees might be eligible for matching by employers. Begin marketing efforts as soon as the date and location are confirmed.

Your planning team should lead the marketing efforts, utilising their skills and connections to promote the event effectively.

Golf Course At Sunrise

Organisation on the Day

Registration Setup

A smooth registration process is essential. The form should be simple and reflect the event’s theme. Essential information such as email, full name, and company should suffice.

To maintain participant interest, send personalised welcome emails and periodic updates. Integrating the registration system with CRM and email marketing tools can streamline this communication.

Ensuring the form is accessible on various devices will improve the user experience.

Organising Volunteers

Volunteers are essential to the event’s operations. Assigning clear roles and responsibilities is a must A detailed plan should outline each volunteer’s tasks.

Training sessions are beneficial for preparing volunteers and providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills.

Planning the Schedule of Events

A detailed schedule or run sheet ensures the event unfolds without hitches. It should include all activities, from the start to the awards presentation. Distributing the schedule to everyone involved keeps the event on track.

Contingency Plans for Weather Issues

A backup plan for inclement weather is necessary. This should include alternative arrangements and weatherproof equipment. Communicating any changes due to weather conditions to participants is essential for managing their expectations and ensuring a seamless experience.

Golf Clubs On Golf Course

Event Entertainment

Incorporating engaging entertainment into your charity golf day can significantly enhance the experience for attendees, making the event more enjoyable and memorable. By providing a range of entertainment options, you can cater to diverse interests and keep the atmosphere lively throughout the day.

Pre-Golf Activities

To set the tone for a fun-filled day, consider organising pre-golf activities that encourage mingling and excitement. A warm-up session led by a golf pro can be both instructional and entertaining, helping participants feel prepared and relaxed before they hit the course. Additionally, setting up a putting contest or longest-drive competition can spark some friendly rivalry and get the energy flowing.

On-Course Entertainment

While the main focus is on golf, incorporating on-course entertainment can add an extra layer of enjoyment. Stationing musicians or a small band at key points on the course can create a lively ambience as players move from hole to hole. You could also have themed holes with fun challenges, such as hitting a drive while wearing oversized gloves or attempting a putt blindfolded. These light-hearted diversions can break up the intensity of the game and provide plenty of laughs.

Post-Golf Festivities

Once the rounds are complete, the entertainment should continue during the post-golf festivities. Arrange for live music or a DJ to keep the mood upbeat as participants unwind and socialise. Hosting a gala dinner or barbecue with interactive elements, such as a live auction or raffle, can be both entertaining and lucrative for your fundraising efforts.

Special Guests and Speakers

Inviting a local celebrity or sports figure to attend and speak can be a major draw for participants. Their presence can add a touch of glamour and excitement to the event, as well as provide an additional promotional angle to attract more attendees. Consider having them participate in a Q&A session or a brief talk about the cause you are supporting, which can inspire and motivate your guests.

Interactive Stations

Setting up interactive stations around the venue can engage attendees in various activities. Photo booths with golf-themed props, virtual reality golf simulators, and even mini golf courses for children and non-golfers are great options. These stations ensure that everyone has something fun to do regardless of their golfing skills.

Prizes and Awards

End the day on a high note with a prize-giving ceremony. Acknowledging top performers and participants with awards and trophies adds a competitive edge and a sense of achievement. Ensure that you have a range of categories, such as best team, longest drive, and best-dressed golfer, to recognise various contributions and efforts.

Charity Focused Entertainment

Lastly, remember to tie the entertainment back to the cause. A brief presentation or video showcasing the funds’ impact can be a powerful reminder of why everyone is there. It reinforces the charitable aspect of the event and leaves attendees with a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

Golf Course Aerial View

Post-Event Activities

Thanking Participants and Sponsors

Once the event has concluded, expressing gratitude to everyone who contributed to its success is crucial. Personalised thank-you emails should be dispatched quickly to capitalise on the recent memories of the day. Each email should be customised with the recipient’s name and greeting in the subject line, demonstrating personal appreciation.

In the email, detail the specific ways their contribution made a difference, such as a keynote speech, monetary donation, or active engagement in the event. This not only shows recognition but also emphasises the value of their support. Invite them to future events to maintain a connection and encourage ongoing involvement. Ensure that the tone remains professional and that the emails are error-free to reflect your organisation’s dedication to excellence.

Analysing Feedback for Future Events

Gathering feedback soon after the event ensures that participants’ impressions are current. Analysing this feedback is about extracting actionable insights. Use visualisation tools to make sense of open-ended responses and identify patterns. Segmenting the feedback can reveal nuanced perspectives, allowing for precise improvements.

Discard any unreliable responses to preserve the quality of your data. By applying the lessons learned from this feedback, you can improve future events and demonstrate to stakeholders that their opinions are both heard and valued.

Managing Post-Event Publicity

Continuing to promote the event after it has ended is important for maintaining interest. Share successes and positive experiences with the media, supplementing their stories with fresh details or commentary.

Utilise social media to acknowledge sponsors, post photos, and engage with contributors, which can amplify the event’s impact and serve as a public display of gratitude. Regular interaction with sponsors and participants on these platforms throughout the year can help build anticipation for subsequent events.

Distribution of Funds Raised

The final step is the transparent and efficient allocation of the proceeds to the chosen cause. Adherence to the minimum distribution rule is essential, balancing the need for immediate impact with the sustainability of the cause.

Communicate the outcomes of the fund distribution to all stakeholders to demonstrate the effectiveness of their contributions and reinforce the event’s achievements. This transparency builds trust and lays a strong foundation for future fundraising efforts.

Ready, Set, Swing!

A well-organised charity golf day can be an effective and enjoyable way to support your chosen cause. By meticulously planning each aspect of your event and ensuring your objectives are clear, you create the potential for an outstanding gathering that participants will remember.

Your endeavours, from selecting the right venue to robustly marketing the day, play a vital role in the success of the day. And as the last putt sinks, the true work begins with follow-ups, expressions of gratitude, and the careful application of the funds raised to their intended purposes.

Armed with the tools and strategies outlined above, your next charity golf day is poised to be more than just a game. It’s an opportunity to make a meaningful impact. Ready to take a swing at making a difference?

Melanie Williamson

Melanie Williamson


Melanie has been working at Onstage for 17years  with her love and passion for all things entertainment and events. Prior to Onstage, Melanie worked in Hotels and Venues in various roles which gave her a strong knowledge in how all things work for events. Her entertainment  product knowledge combined with her event skills, makes her a highly sort after Stage and Events Manager (just as recently contracted for events overseas).

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